It has been a epic year for me-- and it all thanks to you guys-- the readers.
I've had 8 books/novellas release this year... EIGHT... that's like, five more than the year before-- and a few more than I intended ;) . And do you know what keeps me going?
I thought I'd do a 2014 post recap. It will have everything I've learned/done over the year (well, not everything ;) ) And no, it won't all be about books (I did discover 1D after all ;) )
I've had 8 books/novellas release this year... EIGHT... that's like, five more than the year before-- and a few more than I intended ;) . And do you know what keeps me going?
I thought I'd do a 2014 post recap. It will have everything I've learned/done over the year (well, not everything ;) ) And no, it won't all be about books (I did discover 1D after all ;) )
My Top 10 Things of 2014 (in no particular order)
1. Betraying Ever After: A Shattered Fairy Tale came out. My first non-YA book.
2. UTOPYA! (Nashville writer's conference)
3. My youtube channel (which has been a dream of mine for about 3 years, but I've been too chicken to start it)-- Be sure to subscribe!
4. I found One Direction (I know... I know... I'm the last person in the world who has listened to them. I'm so ashamed)-- This is my favorite 1D song. I may blast it in my car...
5. I got to be in a book with Rachel Van Dyken, Nadine Millard, and Kristin Vayden! (seriously cool!) You can get it here...
6. My first hair cut in 18 months... I mean... yeah!

7. Over 3,000 facebook likes!
(I can't get a good screen shot... blah!)
8. Epic Rap Battles of History (beware... language!)
9. Chats with my author buddies (Leah Sanders, Wendy Knight, Angela Schroeder just to name a few). They keep me on track :)
10. YOU!
(insert your picture here...)
You have made 2014 more epic than I could ever imagine so thank you!!
What's in store for 2015? Well... that's another post ;)
{If you are a writer and want some writing goals, check this out... }
If you like what you see here, please subscribe to my newsletter and my youtube channel. I post new videos at least once a week-- and as for newsletters-- well, I won't spam your box.
~*~Follow the Awesome Rainbow~*~