
Friday, March 20, 2015

HUNTED by Liz Long {Everything will change.}

I'm so excited to have you be a part of my release day for HUNTED, Book 3 of the Donovan Circus Series! Sometimes it feels like I just released the first book, GIFTED, a few days ago; other times, it feels like more years than it's actually been! :) Thank you to the amazing bloggers, authors, and readers who have helped make this such an awesome release day. Also a special thanks to my cover designer, Kate at Dwell Design & Press for her amazing cover work! I hope you all find the third adventure as exciting as the first two - and perhaps much darker, as there are many underlying things bubbling to the surface, secrets coming unveiled, and a death that will shake the troupe in a terrible way
. HUNTEDCoverSm 

  Back Cover Synopsis: Lucy Sullivan finally belongs with the gifted Donovan Circus. Members are finding their rhythm, even the new folks from the Grayson Circus who joined after the last attack. Lucy feels like a trusted leader who can win the gifted battles and prevent humans from discovering their existence. When tragedy strikes camp, a distraught Sheffield sends Lucy and her gifted team to hunt down the enemy – Alex, a Chameleon with a wicked ability for war. He’s out for blood and won’t stop until Lucy and her friends are dead. This time, it won’t be Lucy’s gift that is tested – it will be her morality. To save her circus, the price will be greater than she ever expected. This time, she will lose someone she loves. And it will change everything.

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Haven't read the first two in the series? No problem! You can get the first adventure, GIFTED, for only 99 cents on Amazon, B&N, and iBooks!
Gifted A Donovan Circus Novel cover image 
In Gifted, meet Lucy, a Firestarter who just wants to be normal amongst the freaks. She can control fire, though she’s quick to discover that power doesn’t always bring good things. Her famous father may have created a fiery legacy, but their good name is threatened when Lucy’s framed for murder. Felix Hardy, an old “friend” of the show, offers another side of the Donovan Circus story, one her father never told her. As she struggles to clear her name, Lucy will discover that maybe some things are better left in the past.
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BURNED is just $2.99 on the same platforms. Get it for your e-reader today!
Burned picks up right where Gifted left off, in a new city and ready to get back to work. When Lucy is attacked on the grounds, it’s discovered her enemy had friends – big ones. Medved, a Shapeshifter known as “the Bear,” is intent on the gifted world’s exposure to humans. To build his army, he needs Sheffield and Lucy out of his way. Sheffield sends Lucy and her friends to form an alliance with the Grayson Circus members, who have as many quirks as the Donovan group. Not all are who they seem and Lucy must choose who to trust before Medved kills them all.
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  About the Author:
Liz Long, indie author
Liz Long is a ridiculously proud graduate of Longwood University with a BA in English. Her inspiration comes from action and thriller genres and she spends entirely too much time watching superhero movies. Her fabulous day job as a Social Media & PR Strategist includes writing for LeisureMedia360 (Roanoker, bridebook, Blue Ridge Country magazines) in Roanoke, VA. The Donovan Circus series has best been described as "X-Men meets the circus with a murder mystery thrown in." Her second book Witch Hearts, is a story about a serial killer hunting witches for their powers. Her newest title, A Reaper Made, is a fantasy about a Reaper who must work a little magic to save her family's souls from demons. All titles are available for paperback or ebook on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks. To learn more about Liz, visit her website: Author Links: Website: Twitter: (Handle: @LizCLong) Facebook Author Page: Amazon: Goodreads:

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy book birthday, Michele Tucker!!! {What's Left of Us} - Christian Romance

Title: What’s Left of Us
Author: Michele Tucker
Genre: Christian Romance / Coming of Age

A year ago their lives were changed forever.

Calla Jensen, a college freshman at University of Alabama, can’t move on. Her loss of faith in God, and in herself, has her frozen and stagnant. But time doesn't stop for any one, and no matter how much she fights it, making new friends and leaving her past behind is inevitable.

When her college roommate drags her to an event on campus, she doesn't expect to come face to face with the person whose life she almost ruined. Old wounds open up and together they must come to terms with the events that led to three best friends being torn apart. 

But Calla has been keeping something back, and it could destroy the fragile ties she is slowly building back with the people she loves. Can faith be renewed and can God help her heal?

What happened the day everything fell apart?

With every mile I was more relieved to finally get away from Acworth and all the memories here. But with every mile, it also felt as if my heart was being ripped from my soul all over again. Like I was leaving a piece of me behind, a piece I needed to survive. I pushed down the panic that started to arise in my chest at the thought of being alone. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. We should have stuck together. We had a pact.

Connect with MICHELE TUCKER:
GIVEAWAY – 3 ebook copies of What’s Left of Us


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Beast of Raveston: A Shattered Fairy Tale (Book Release day!)

He could very easily picture his life like this. With a woman who loved him and smiled at him like he wasn't a monster.
Except he was.

The Beast of Ravenston takes Elizabeth from Betraying Ever After and throws her into a place she fears more than any other... Ravenston. A small town in the middle of a thick forest, Ravenston is home to the Duke-- Nicholas Wellington-- a man who not only has been scarred by a fire but is a man to be feared. He lives up to his reputation as 'The Beast'.
Nicholas wants to know who set the fire that disfigured him which means helping Mr. Dodsworth. Help Mr. Dodsworth-- get the name-- get his revenge
Except what Mr. Dodsworth wants Nicholas to do is worse than anything he's done in his past: make the girl pay.
Can Nicholas do what needs to be done to get his revenge? Or will Elizabeth steal something he didn't know he still had-- his heart?

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~Kelly Martin's Internet Dwellings~

The Beast of Ravenston Giveaway!!

Happy Release day, Beast!

I hope you are excited as I am :) If you leave a review for The Beast on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and/or Goodreads in the next seven days (until 3/10) you could win a $10 Amazon gift card. There is also a free entry where you can  just enter for being awesome <3

Thanks for making the Beast what it is <3

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